Hp LaserJet 3015 Printer Could Not Connect

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello, I am setting up a Windows XP Professional in my computer through Universal Serial Bus (USB) and an Hp LaserJet 3015.  But an error is detected on my LaserJet Printer and I could not connect to the HP search program. I tried to restart my computer and run the setup again from the start but the problem is still occurring. How could I resolve it? Help me please.

Best Answer by gaurav3282
Answered By 10 points N/A #107456

Hp LaserJet 3015 Printer Could Not Connect


Is the printer that you are trying to connect on a network or you are connecting it directly to a standalone computer? The reason I am asking that is because a network printer will require that you make sure that you have configured the network settings properly for both the printer and the computer that you are installing it on for it to work. As for a standalone computer, once you have connected the cable properly, the computer should be detected when you search it. So just check the cable connections and network settings for those are the basic reasons why the printer cannot be detected.

-Thompson Locker


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #107457

Hp LaserJet 3015 Printer Could Not Connect


Hi Charlene

First of all reinstall your Windows XP Professional on your computer then after you have installed the Windows on your computer you should disconnect it from the internet.After disconnecting it from the internet just install the drivers of your HP LaserJet Printer.Just install them and restart your computer.Your printer would work fine definitely.Just remember to install the drivers which came with the printer and not the ones available on the internet.If this does not work then try to download the latest drivers from the particular website which is the HP website and install the drivers.Hope this helps.

thank you


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