How will I perform a winxp fonts repair?

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Experts,

How will I perform a winxp fonts repair? My windows XP operating system is doing fine. But there are some instances that I have some trouble with the fonts it is not constant and it crashed in some instances that It doesn’t show anymore. I hope you will guide me in the process of repairing.

Thank you.

Best Answer by Phillip Taylor
Answered By 10 points N/A #182788

How will I perform a winxp fonts repair?


Hi Shannon,

There are many ways to fix your fonts. You can do it by repairing windows, system will be checked for each font and repair if there is any problem with the fonts and will install the remaining. If you know which font is causing the problem then you can reinstall it.

For more information please check the link below.

Thank you.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #182789

How will I perform a winxp fonts repair?


Hi Shannon Larry,

According to your questions I will suggest you the following solution. First of all don’t panic and perform the following tasks.

  1. Execute a repair installation (upgrade) of Windows XP. By executing this upgrade installation the entire existing restore points are detached and a fresh system checkpoint restore point is produced after the in-place upgrade is done.
  2. For this purpose you require the original Windows XP CD with XP Product Key.

Windows system will restore any lost, spoiled or degraded font files that are part of Standard Fonts built-in with Windows XP. 

  • Courier New (TrueType, including Italic, Bold and Bold Italic variations).
  • Arial (TrueType, including, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic variations).
  • Times New Roman (TrueType, including Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic variations).
  • Wingdings, Symbol (TrueType).
  • MS Serif, MS Sans Serif.


Answered By 0 points N/A #182791

How will I perform a winxp fonts repair?


Repair the fonts by repairing the operating system of your computer, a process which takes around 30 minutes to complete. Insert the XP CD into the computer. Restart the computer. Press any key when prompted to boot from CD.

Press "Enter" at the first screen and "F8" at the second. Highlight the drive containing XP and press "R," repairing the operating system and reinstalling new copies of your font files.

Answered By 10 points N/A #182790

How will I perform a winxp fonts repair?


You can reinstall all of the windows fonts, you can search over the network for the fonts and then you can install them on your computer and they will work fine in this case. You can run a system recovery for the same reason.

 Smith Thompson

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