How to switch between non-root/root user in LINUX/UNIX?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Why is it that when I added a non-root user and tried to make use of the "su" command to turn the user into root, it didn't work, instead I got the error message "permission denied". What else can I do to solve this problem?

Best Answer by Schneider Matthew
Answered By 0 points N/A #98140

How to switch between non-root/root user in LINUX/UNIX?


If you have sudo facility in your system

you can do like this:

sudo "command"    #executed as root

"command"           #executed as normal user (if you log in as normal user)


sudo "command"    # again executed as root


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #197358

How to switch between non-root/root user in LINUX/UNIX?

Hi Cypress Hill,
Are you able to log in to the non-root user you created using "su -l 'username' " command. If possible, please try using "su -l" command to log in to root.
If the above method doesn't work, use the below method
You need to enter your user name into any of the group in /etc/group file. For this, please follow below steps.
Open /etc/group. 
It will look like this
Now, just enter your username into any of the group.
eg: wheel:x:10:root,new_user_name
You can use as many usernames under a group, but you need to keep them comma separated.
Hope it helps

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