How to resize an image or photo with HTML?

I am giving some steps for you, who wish to keep an image in the original size, but just resize the image in HTML code.
Although this is possible, I recommend you “a html image editor” to help with download times.
It is a easy to use tool, that you can use to resize images quicker. So you can specify the width and height in your IMG SRC HTML tag as shown in the example for controlling the size of the image.
You can maintain the same rate by knowing the image size from “properties”.
Hi Lincon777,
Simply specify the actual size of the image, the height, width & then crop the photo before you put it on the web page and the image must be original characteristics. Now adjust the height and the width properly in HTML.
The GIF image can be resized in Photoshop and simply make sure the image is converted in the JPG or JPEG format and then the graphic dimension must be equal to the height 50 and width 25. The image should be half the size. To reduce it, simply change the size of the width and the height.
Type this code:<IMG SRC="yourimage.gif" WIDTH="96" HEIGHT="134">