Most of the times when starting a video game for the first time, I am asked for a gamma adjustment. I do this in a very approximate manner as I am not sure of what it is and its implication for the game overall. I would like to know what does the gamma setting stand for and why is it important for the game?
How to properly calibrate gamma settings
That’s odd. I also like playing video games on my computer but there is not a single instance that a game asked me to adjust the gamma setting on my monitor. I play offline or standalone games and online games like MMORPG and none have prompted me to change the gamma setting.
For a slight info, gamma is a vital attribute of almost all digital imaging systems. It describes the connection between the numerical value of a pixel and its actual luminance. If there is no gamma, the shades that digital cameras acquire will not appear as they did to our eyes.
Gamma is also referred to as gamma compression, gamma encoding, or gamma correction. If you are using Windows 7, to adjust the gamma setting, click Start, Control Panel, and then in the search box type without quotes “calibrate display”. Click “Calibrate display color” then enter your administrator password in case you are prompted.
In Display Color Calibration, click Next. In “How to adjust gamma” page, follow the instructions while looking at the sample images that it shows then click Next. In “Adjust gamma” page, drag the slider until the small dot in the middle of every circle disappears and then click Next.
How to properly calibrate gamma settings
Gamma correction just raise your monitor’s color intensity so that when it turns dark it cancel out the effect so that you can see target likewise. By setting it proper you should enjoy your gameplay more but my suggestion to you is that play with whatever you feel easy and comfortable.