How to increase page rank

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Hi All,

How to increase page rank. What are the tips & Tricks

Increase page rank Tips and Tricks?

Thank you

Best Answer by Zorian Crust
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 80 points N/A #89171

How to increase page rank


Hello Sameer,

There are a lot of ways to be able to increase your page rank. Here are some of the tips:

  1. Make sure that you include more than one link to google. It also need quality traffic.
  2. You need to use many media keyword tags and make sure you don't repeat the same word.
  3. Use a lot of dots
  4. You can use invisible text but make sure to make it close
  5. Make at least three pages on your site and link them as page1, 2 and 3
  6. Submit early and submit often
  7. Be careful on your spelling. Make sure that you spell words correctly with good grammar

I hope this might help you increase your page rank.

Best of luck,


Answered By 0 points N/A #89172

How to increase page rank


In order to attract more hits on search engines, try to pluralize your key words. Also consider the option of keyword stemming, for example your keyword is finance, some search engine may not be able to find this, so you need to use a bit longer words by adding “-ing” or “-ly” so as to incorporate the keyword stemming.

Also ensure that the website is easy to navigate and readable by making use of the many accessibility features available and optimize the site for text to speech readers. To rise up the page ranks, your site should be search engine and people friendly.

Link your site to other sites with high quality content, linking your site to high quality contents is of high significance in such engine rankings.  Heavy off-site linking important information is more preferred by search engines than inter website links, so ensure that there is an option of directing a hyperlink back to your site to maximize on search engine rankings.

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