Hello, I want to update the schema of active directory, canyon guys tell me when and how to update it. How to use an active directory schema update.
How Can I Perform Active Directory Schema Update
Hello. Follow the below steps to use the active directory schema update.
- Open command prompt, run as administrator.
- Set path like C:\WINDOWS\ADAM
Directory, type regsvr32 schmmgmt.dill.
- Click on Start, and run, enter MMC.
- Go to the File menu, select add, or remove the snap-in.
- Click on active directory schema. Next, click on add, click ok.
- Click on create a new attribute, add the details, and click on ok.
- Check on the left side to ensure the attributes are created or not.
- Go to classes, then go to users, next to attributes, then click on add, then ok.
- Now restart the active directory service, next run it, dsa.msc, then go to view and then advanced features.
- Check in the list that the ad you have created is present or not.