Horizontal lines on the screen of Latitude E4300

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

My screen on my Latitude E4300 went bad. It just started to flash different colors on my screen while I was working on it. So I shut it down, turned it back on but immediately after booting up to Windows, horizontal lines started to come up. I hooked it up with an external monitor and the problem was also observed. Is there something wrong with my graphics card?

Answered By 0 points N/A #199887

Horizontal lines on the screen of Latitude E4300

This issue may be related to a display problem. Sometimes the ribbon cable that comes from the Motherboard to the Display itself got damaged.
To isolate the problem, enter into the safe mode. Restart the laptop and press F8 a couple of time to enter to the service menu. Choose safe mode and hit enter. The laptop will enter into a mode where the basic drivers are loaded. If, while in safe mode you see the same problem, take the laptop to a service shop to be repaired. If not, reinstall the video driver. If the problem is still there, run  Service Diagnostics by pressing F12 during start up. Choose Dell 32Bits diagnostics and let it run to check for issues.

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