Help me create organized HTML/HTML5 web pages

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I have heard about the thing called Tables in HTML. How can I use it? What are the basic purpose of this? What are the basic codes included to insert this to my page? How to implement it? Is there any way that I can divide my web page into different sections? What are the things that I need to remember in implementing this to my webpage? Can you provide me a simple web page that includes table implementation?

Answered By 0 points N/A #173140

Help me create organized HTML/HTML5 web pages


Hello Pamela!

Tables are used to get your data or information in a web page more organized. List is also a way to organize but table is one of the best. It is easy to create tables and or organize data into tables. Please follow the codes inserted in the body tags as shown below.

Sample image of the output:

<table border = 10 cellpaddding = 10 cellspacing=6 bgcolor=#CCCCFF">


                <td colsapn=2 bgcolor="FFFF00">LIST OF MY FRIENDS</td>



                <td>JOHN</td><td>RENE BONES</td>







The codes above must be inserted inside body tags. From line one above, the tag <table></table> with attribute border set to 10 to indicate the thickness of outside border. Cell padding is set to 2 to indicate the size of cell paddings and last, cell spacing is set to 6 to indicate the spaces between cells. Bgcolo set to gray to add color. The tag <tr> is used to indicates next line for tables. The tags <td>…</td> indicates the contents of each cell. 

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