Give me examples infopath that I can use

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

I need some kind of examples infopath that can help me convert forms into digital format via infopath. I am not really into Windows because I have been working in a Sharepoint environment. I would appreciate it if somebody can provide an example or a good tutorial which could help me create an infopath form and add it to a Sharepoint.

Thank you for the suggestions.

Best Answer by pigoo04
Answered By 0 points N/A #145904

Give me examples infopath that I can use


Hey Jamin,

There are many sites which provides info path templates and sample files. Well, if you want to get those files, go to the following links:



Both of these sites have great resources.

And, to learn about info path follow this link :

Hope this will help you.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #145905

Give me examples infopath that I can use


Microsoft infopath is a Microsoft office suite. Many websites are available for Microsoft infopath information. Some of them are given below. You can collect many information about Microsoft infopath. infopath Support for Microsoft InfoPath.

Visit this link for more information template. Some of the documentation Microsoft Infopath 2007.

Some Microsoft share points tips for your Microsoft Sharepoint. Creation of infopath in Sharepoint

You can get a tutorial from this link infopath tutorial.

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