To get twitter company profile using JavaScript or json

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -


Most companies create their own profile on Twitter. Is there a way to get the Twitter company profile using JavaScript or JSON? I am using a URL string to get the results:; but I am not getting the result that I wanted.

Best Answer by Luker Malcom
Answered By 0 points N/A #137252

To get twitter company profile using JavaScript or json


The Twitter team has done a great job of creating an API, so you don’t have to use third party stuff.

Twitter’s API is pretty straight forward and very easy to use.

You can refer to their documentation for any assistance.

For example for the company Kenchky, the appropriate URL string is (Example URL don't click)


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #137253

To get twitter company profile using JavaScript or json


If you want to have your own version of an API (Application Programming Interface) gadget to add to your website and be able to access Twitter profile pages, then I suggest you use HTML and JavaScript.

Combining these two powerful languages can build you a search tool where you can type a person’s name or a company’s name and access their Twitter profile page.

You can also play around with the codes so you can personalize it and only display the Twitter information that you want to be shown on your website.

Click this link to know more about how to extract a Twitter profile in API and learn the necessary code for that.


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