Get to find out details of ArgoUML 0.34

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Can this run on any Java platform? Is this supported all standard UML diagrams? Is it available any other programming languages? What is Java Metadata Interface (JMI) and how to implement this? What is MOF? Is it supported UCI Graph Editing Framework? What is the difference between XMI and XML? How does XMI support? Can diagram, save with PostScript, Encapsulated PS, PGML and SVG formats? What are the new features available in it? Thank You

Answered By 0 points N/A #200357

Get to find out details of ArgoUML 0.34



              The Argo UML is a powerful and easy purpose interactive system and graphical designing software application that supports the system and development and documentation of software applications.

              If we are familiar with this software application, we can easily access called Computer Aided software Engineering System (CASE) tool can easily find out ArgoUML familiar.

              The users ArgoUML is a software designs and architects and software developers, business analysts and also professionals, design development software applications. Open standards are XMI, SVG, and PGML.

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