Fatal System error on my Windows XP

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am using Windows XP Pro computer. I am facing a problem with that sometimes I am getting an error message. The error message is like that ‘Fatal System error. The Windows Login stopped working.’ Then it is to be restarted by pressing the reset button. Please help me to fix this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer by Anupom
Answered By 0 points N/A #82337

Fatal System error on my Windows XP



These types of error are faced when your pc is virus attacked. For this reason, every pc must be use best antivirus to protect this kind of virus problem, but now you have to be 2 solutions. 1st-when appear the login screen, before restart you press ctrl+alt+del and in the task manager window, just click- shutdown>log off by administrator, then log in easily. 2nd- if 1st solution is not correct for you, then just installs a new windows and use better antivirus for your pc. Regular update your antivirus by internet or manually. Clean c drive per week. If you follow this, your pc must be safe and not be attacked by virus.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #82339

Fatal System error on my Windows XP



It is a installation problem which is incompatible with system.it shows C000021a fatal error with a blue screen.It can be repaired with recovery of previous installation of XP.
These are the steps:
1.open start then click shut down to log off computer, then click restart. 
2.After restarting  the computer, it will take rebooting.
3.Hit on F8 button from keyboard.
4.Then a figure will come out with writing normal windows startup,safe startup,Last Known Good Configuration etc.
5.select Last Known Good Configuration with up arrow and hit enter.
6.Restart the computer then you will see  C000021a fatal error is solved 
Answered By 0 points N/A #82340

Fatal System error on my Windows XP



In reference to the mentioned issue, an effective solution would be to rely on technical support which can be acquired from an actual computer store. Prior to that you can try the following solutions as well to resolve the problem.
1 – In the case that the issue started after you installed either a new device driver or a software or a system service,you can remove it or disable it to see if the issue gets resolved.
2- In the case that the error appeared in the start-up of the system, try restarting the system by hitting F8. A Windows Advanced Options menu will appear where you can select the Last Known Good Configuration option.
In addition check whether the partition is formatted with FAT use MS-DOS or with NTFS file system. For the former formatting, startup disk so that you can access the hard drive, For the latter formatting, use can opt for the Safe Mode to rename or delete the software.
If none of the above mentioned solution works, then the ultimate option would be a technical support.
I would suggest that in the future you should make back up of your data on devices such as external hard disks, CDs, USB memory sticks to prevent data loss.
Best regards and good luck for the resolution of your problem.

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