FaceBook Codefest may ignite next grand inspiration

Facebook's Codefest might spark the next grand inspiration and it is known that there about 30 Facebook Codefest.
What is Codefest and what are this ideas?

Facebook's Codefest might spark the next grand inspiration and it is known that there about 30 Facebook Codefest.
What is Codefest and what are this ideas?
Codefest is event usually one day or one week long, organized for gathering of people that are interested mostly in software-related projects. Sometimes you can find some hardware-interested people at codefest.
The majority of visitors are computer programmers, graphic designers, project managers, software developers etc. and they write applications, share data, create visualizations and publish their discoveries, video games, new usable software or software improvements. Codefest are organized as social and educational events, full of creativity, new ideas, innovations, presentations, brainstorming and achieving goals in some specific field such programming, platform developing or even OS developing are.
Sometimes they are international, but always full of positive energy invested in creation and you can expect demonstration of results made by every group in the end of it. Prizes are usually symbolic but can reach substantial amounts of money. Nevertheless, the focus is not on competition but rather on improvements and new creations.