Hi there,
I was uploading videos to my external hard drive (HP simple save 1TB) when my computer indicated it is not responding, I tried accessing files on the hard drive and it was a very painful slow process, I have tried Checkdisk which shows some bad sectors but repair is getting stuck at 20%, how can I get this drive working? How can I recover the damaged sectors and the data in it?
External HDD is frozen and not responding
Hi !
In these cases is recommended to format your external HDD. Then you will have to download all the drivers and softwares for HDD and also install a new and updated firmware. Also is hard to recover all data with the softwares that are on the market but you can try and see the results. You might try to go to an authorized service with your hard drive and see what they recommend to you and if you still have the warranty certificate you can get a replace with a new one.