An expected error has occurred with Microsoft SharePoint Function

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Expert friends,

I am stuck with an error message not able to proceed further from this point. I am beginner or fresher in SharePoint having hard time with this error message. The error says ‘An unexpected error has occurred’. How do I fix this error? Please help me rectify this problem. Thanks. 



An expected error has occurred.

Troubleshoot issue with Microsoft SharePoint Function.

Correlation ID: 4775109-3879-e0e4-780e-57292b7dc3ad

Date and Time: 4/1/2013    11:14:07 AM

Answered By 0 points N/A #169715

An expected error has occurred with Microsoft SharePoint Function


The error occurs due to the false ULS logs so all you have to do is look in the extremely friendly Logs of ULS, which is located at: 

For SharePoint 2010 >Program filesCommon filesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions 14 logs

After performing this step you have to search for the "Correlation ID" mentioned in the error. Just fine out the right log file and demolish this damn issue. 

I hope this will help to remove your error. 






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