Error while opening Javara.log file on Windows Vista

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From the moment I heard about the vulnerabilities and security holes in a few old JRE versions , I decided to remove them. I found that there are a lot of older JRE versions installed on my PC.

 I downloaded JavaRa a simple freeware tool to remove old and redundant versions of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Successfully installed it on my Windows Vista Ultimate machine and it was working fine. It usually creates a log file C:JavaRa.log each time it is run which is displayed to the user.

But this time when I try to view the activity log file it comes up with an error message ” Cannot find the C:JavaRa.log file. Do you want to create a new file? “

Has anyone faced an error like this?

Best Answer by autolycus8
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #85381

Error while opening Javara.log file on Windows Vista


The error message is possibly caused by corrupted Java file. No worries, we have already had a fix for that problem. All you need to do is download Windows Clean Up, The disk cleanup tool deletes files that you do not need and provide space on your hard drive. 

You can start running windows by following this method. 

Just click on this link: Microsoft Support, then delete all the references associated with Java. Once that was done, you should be able to do a clean install and use the application. To ensure that the problem is fixed, you may need to restart your PC and run the program again.

Answered By 0 points N/A #85382

Error while opening Javara.log file on Windows Vista



Buddy, you need to right click and select "Run as Administrator". If you want to see the Java/log file. However, try uninstalling with a third party uninstaller like Revo, Norton etc. That does the trick. I was so messed up that I had to download Windows Installer cleanup which fixed it for me. Then I did a new installation from scratch and now it is working absolutely fine. 


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