Error uploading .png file using Photoshop

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I need to upload a .png file on my laptop using Photoshop. However, I keep on receiving faulty message indicating "The procedure is not able to finish because of the unfamiliar fault. “ I cannot even identify the root of this error message. So I am seeking for help here. Thanks.

Answered By 80 points N/A #118755

Error uploading .png file using Photoshop


Hello Enrique,


I understand your problem. I got this problem before and it really sucks. I found out that only .psd shows no error and ,png and .png are an issue. Try to go the PREFERENCE > FILE HANDLING > APPEND FILE EXTENSIONS.

Another solution that I found out is very simple. Don't save the file as SAVE AS. You cannot really do that if you are trying to upload a hosting account. You must select instead save for devices and web and it will save the file with no uploading errors in adobe photoshop.

I hope it helps. Good luck and have a good day!




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