Error running MSP430, eZ430 – RF2500, with Iar workbench

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I'm running MSP430, eZ430 – RF2500, with Iar workbench, I had been using version 4xx and everything was great (almost),  when I connected the target board to the computer with a the USB slot I sometimes received a message saying new hardware had been detected and the device was going to be installed. 

I followed these steps but the driver was never installed properly. All I had to do was unplug the target board and then plug it back in and things would be OK again, to get rid of this annoying problem I thought I would upgrade to version 5xx, after installing the software I try and download the program with an emulator but I always get the message which can be seen below! The target board is being recognised in device manager, I am at a loss anybody have any ideas?



Fatal error: No communication dll found Session aborted!


Answered By 5 points N/A #182136

Error running MSP430, eZ430 – RF2500, with Iar workbench


There is dll for each function on windows. DLL stands for dynamic link library and this concept is generally related to operating system. It contains methods that can be shared by more than one program at a time. It might be the deadlock situation with the dll. The communication dll might be called by more than allowed number of programs and hence looks like unavailable. It might be also the case that communication dll is missing. You need to check these issues and that will solve the problem.

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