Error Messages on double clicking Glovebox Application

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Hi experts

When I double click Glovebox app, I find the error on top. After I click Yes I get the message on bottom. Sometimes the application comes up but most of the time it don’t come up. After I found it I used my Glove for a while. Recently I am running it again after not using it about 2 months.

Please help. Any help would be very much appreciated.



Error: Single Instance Error

The application encountered problem while attempting to determine if any other instance of the software were running. The following problems were encountered:

Failed to open shared memory – failed  to release mutex

Do you want to open the application anyway? If another instance is open, the Glove may fail to connect properly.

Exception thrown

Creating a view of shared memory failed.

At GloveBox.GloveBoxMain.writeHandle(InPtr hWindow)

At GloveBox.GloveBoxMain.OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)

Application Exiting……..


Answered By 0 points N/A #104812

Error Messages on double clicking Glovebox Application




The problem with your software is that your software does not allow the double click. There is something you have to do the note is below:

1. One problem is that you OS is not working properly but if you can double click on other software’s then it couldn't be the problem with your OS but this is the also the possibility 

2. The other possibility is that the software you are using has been corrupted and as you said you have not used that software for the previous 2 months and after 2 months you are using that software but it is not working properly so this is the problem that your software has been corrupted and there is a file or something which has been missed and due to that factor you are facing this problem so the solution is that uninstall this software again and again install this software and run this will solve your problem.

Hope this solution will help you getting out of this problem and get rid of this problem.

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