Error loading BASIC of document in NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta 3

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I installed NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta 3 in my System but now I am getting error message loading BASIC of the document. I am running Mini Duo OS 10.4.7. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta 3

Error loading BASIC of document


General Error.

General input/output error.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #184008

Error loading BASIC of document in NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta 3


I’m not sure if this is a compatibility issue since you are only using Mac OS X 10.4.7. NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta 3 supports Mac OS X 10.3, 10.4, and higher so there should be no problem with your operating system. Try closing the program and restart your computer. After booting, open NeoOffice and then open your file.

Make sure not to open any other programs besides this one to see if there’s a change. You may also check the file system used in your hard drive because there is also an issue there. Mac OS X is less compatible if your hard drive is formatted with FAT32 while NTFS will give you more compatibility.

But there is also a problem. If you’ll use NTFS, MAC OS X is limited only to read preventing you from writing anything. This file system puts your hard drive’s access to read-only. While if you are using FAT32 you have both functionalities as read and write. To check if your hard drive is set to read-only, go to Finder, choose the FAT32 volume, select File, Get Info, and expand Ownership, Details.

The share should appear as read/write. If it is set only to read then that’s the cause of the problem. Activate the write option and then click OK.

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