Error with calendar on sidebar

Hello friends,
Calendar gadget on vista sidebar is not working. Any idea why this happening? How to solve it?

Hello friends,
Calendar gadget on vista sidebar is not working. Any idea why this happening? How to solve it?
Improper working of Calendar gadget on vista sidebar is very common problem and it happens much time that it does not work. But this problem can be resolved by many different options, if those options are followed step by step then your gadget will start working again.
By clicking on the link below,, you can get the process by which your calendar gadget on vista side bars. Hope this link will resolve your problem and your calendar gadget will start working again.
This link has many different options and if one option doesn’t work the you can try other one, hopefully problem will be resolved.
There are several problems that sometimes happen in the Calendar gadget of the Windows Sidebar. Like for example, sometimes it may display a blank page, or maybe displaying only a plain orange background. And this also happens to the Stocks gadget that doesn’t show up after adding it. This problem is typically triggered by a missing scripting runtime registration. You can fix it by registering the “vbscript.dll” file in the command prompt.
Go to Start, All Programs, Accessories then Command Prompt. On the command prompt window, type without double quotes “regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll” then press Enter. After that you will see a confirmation dialog box saying that the registration has succeeded. Restart your computer then check if the Calendar gadget is already working.
I really wondered how to fixed this bug. I also faced the problem with Calendar Gadget in my Windows 7. But now I have come to solve this problem. I would not have done this if I didn’t have read this page. This page is so very helpful especially when you are encountering several issues about computer applications, software and other common issues. A big thanks to the experts for helping me to find out my solution. My thanks to all of you but especially to Sharath Reddy for providing a simple way in solving the problem. He explained everything so easily that I had no problem with understanding. I am really grateful to him.