Error 1073807343 in VISA Configure Serial Port

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi experts,

I got an error message via serial port with VISA, lab view 2011. It was working fine but suddenly today I received the following error message. I searched the solution from the internet but could not find any solution.

Can you provide me the best solution to resolve this problem?

I would be really grateful.

Error -1073807343 occurred at Property Node

Error -1073807343 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in 

VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi-> Basic Serial Write


Possible reason(s):

VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location

information or the device or resource is not present in

the system.

Answered By 15 points N/A #177980

Error 1073807343 in VISA Configure Serial Port


Hi Rick,
The error is because the NI-Serial RT 3.8.1 and NI-Visa 5.1 drivers are not installed in the correct system path.
To resolve this error follow the steps mentioned below:
1) Go to the 'Software' tab, Click 'Remote Systems' under the cRIO


2) If they are not installed in the above specified path, reinstall them in the correct path
3) Check that COM1 is selected as the input to VISA resource name


4) Restart the system after the settings are completed

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