ERR: SharePoint Virus Alert Issue

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

While uploading or accessing a file to/from a SharePoint site, I get a SharePoint Virus Found Alert message.

Need support to resolve this problem as it is extremely frustrating.

I searched for Answers in many Tech Forums but Didn't find a concrete Solution.

Can Someone Please Help me on this Issue ?



Best Answer by Carl Jack
Answered By 0 points N/A #158360

ERR: SharePoint Virus Alert Issue


Hi Matt

SharePoint uses a virus scanning technology called Forefront. 

Occasionally, Forefront will report a virus when none exists. This is due to Forefront not receiving sufficient system resources during its scan. Generally, some automatic updates should run for the ForeFront virus management tool on SharePoint that should eliminate this problem.

Please make sure that your computer is connected to the appropriate network, as it should be in order to access that Share Point site, also for the automatic updates to take its effect. If problem is persistent or intermittent, then please check with your IT security/support team at the earliest.



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #158362

ERR: SharePoint Virus Alert Issue


Hello Matt,

It seems like the file you're trying to upload is infected and therefore it better if you scan it for viruses and other malware first before you go ahead and open it. If you force opening it before scanning you may end up causing harm to your PC.

Therefore do the following:

  • Locate the drive where you have saved the file.
  • Or if you have the file in a USB driver insert it.
  • After that right click on the drive, and then locate the antivirus you have on your computer and then scan the whole drive.
  • If any antiviruses or malware are detected, you will need to get rid of them completely.

Hope this helps.



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