Difference of PostgreSQL from the other DBMSs

What’s the difference of PostgreSQL from the other DBMSs? What are its benefits? Please help me with this. Thanks!Â

What’s the difference of PostgreSQL from the other DBMSs? What are its benefits? Please help me with this. Thanks!Â
There are many differences of PostgreSQL with other RDBMs. I will be discussing some of those here:
1. PostgreSQL supports partial indexes where as some of other DBMS does not support partial indexes.
2. PostgreSQL is limited to 32 columns per index where as other DBMS supports 16 columns per index. Â
3. PostgreSQL uses bitmap indexes while some of the other DBMS does not uses it.
4. PostgreSQL supports multiple indexes per query where as some of the other DBMSs supports multiple indexes per table.
Now lets discuss some of the advantages that are offered by  PostgreSQL:
1. It offers much lower maintenance compare to other databases.
2. It has a very rare low crashing history as compare to other DBMS.
3. It is free to all.
4. It provides pure cross platform functionality.
5. Better support provided as compare to others.
6. By using PostgreSQL one can have more profitable business models.Â
When you will have gotten a clear idea about the benefits of postgresql, you obviously will able to differ it from other DBBM’s product.
It’s a transactions 100% A.C.I.D compliant.
It’s Isolation levels is serializable.
It’s online backup serves you online Backup and more safety.
It can able to capture this types of data- numeric, decimal, smallint, integer, bigint, real, double, serial, char, varchar, bit, text, date, time, timestamp, interval, boolean, network address, geometric types and much more.
You can use it to create table..foreighn key, cascade, restrict, set default, and set null.
Postgresql has the ability with this programming language-Â Perl, Python, Zope, PHP, TCL/TK, ODBC, JDBC, C/C++, Embedded SQL, Delphi/Kylix/Pascal, VB, ASP, Java.
It has a exclusive Multi-version concurrency control ( MVCC ) system, that helps you to create high demanding concurrent applications.
Hope you got all the point.
For a better comparison, visit here- troels.arvin.dk/db/rdbms/ and dcdbappl1.cern.ch › ALICE
You can visit this site also for a more effective understanding- https://www.postgresql.org/about/featurematrix/