Difference In Windows Server 2012 License And 2008licensing

What has all changed in windows server 2012 license when migrating from Windows Server 2008 license? Also, state the difference between client side and server side changes.

What has all changed in windows server 2012 license when migrating from Windows Server 2008 license? Also, state the difference between client side and server side changes.
Windows Server 2012’s Datacenter and Standard Licensing targets two physical processors each. However many processor cores in a physical processor may be, it does not affect the licensing rules or cost. It is a drastic difference from windows server 2008 license. In windows server 2008 license, the Standard edition covered up to four physical processors and Datacenter edition cover only one physical processor.
All of the major differences in the editions are listed in the picture shown above.
While this is a significant difference in 2008 and 2012 licensing, some of the rules haven’t changed.
• Rules regarding CALs are haven’t changed much.
• Also, rules regarding License Reassignment haven’t changed.
You can download the latest version from here