The difference between win 7 32 bit and win 64 bit Os.

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


Hello techyv,

The difference between win 7 32 bit and win 64 bit Os. What is the difference between win 7 32 bit and win 64 bit Os? I am going to put a computer shop internet business and was confused what Os to choose which is good for gaming, browsing, typing and other computer relevant works. Would you like to give some of you suggestions?


Expecting some help from you guys. Thank you.

Answered By 10 points N/A #172693

The difference between win 7 32 bit and win 64 bit Os.



My suggestion is to go for Windows 7 64bit.
The difference among 32 bit and 64 bit are as follow.
Windows 7 64bit
1. Its run fast and you can upgrade ram from 8GB to 16GB.
2. Better security or Advanced security features has been provided.
3. Shows you full ram for example 4GB.
4. Drivers of 64bit signed digitally.
5. Do not get random crashes.
6. More responsive and faster while opening complex Applications.
7. Most Applications of 32 bit can run in 64 bit.
8. Hardware backed DEP supported.
WINDOWS 7 32bit
1. you can upgrade ram to 4Gb maximum.
2. Kernal Patch protection is not available.
3. Shows you 3.12Gb ram instead of 4Gb.
4. Unsigned drivers used in 32 bit.
5. it supports 16 bit and 32 bit programs only.
6. Supports only 32 bit device drivers.
7. Memory access up to 4Gb ram.
8. Software based DEP supported.

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