Desktop Icon problem after playing any games

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am using Windows XP diamond in my computer. After playing any game the icon have changed. Sometime it seems ok when I right clicked on my Desktop and clicked on refresh but sometimes not. How can I solved that problem?

Best Answer by Stevenstamp
Answered By 5 points N/A #88289

Desktop Icon problem after playing any games


Hi…. these are common causes when we played a game, because due to the Low spec of video card, and the icon in the desktop will change. To resolve this kind of issue

  • Replace the old video card and change new video card.
  • Try to used 512mb w/ 128bit or try 128mb w/ 64 bit.

Thank you, hope its help



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #88292

Desktop Icon problem after playing any games


This is a common issue and happens often after playing games. Many games changing your desktop resolution to make the game open properly. That low resolution often messing up icons and rearranging them. All you can do is to refresh after closing game as you  already doing or to click the Align icons to grid and to keep them in such order.

The second thing you may do is to find some software which is used to lock desktop icons or to restore them to previous position. I will recommend Desktop Icon Save and Restore but there are probably many more similar. I hope this helps.

Answered By 0 points N/A #196295

Desktop Icon problem after playing any games


Hello dear,

This is not a problem that can harm your computer. When you see that your system is busy and becomes unresponsive, then this might be happening. In fact, this problem is due to a lack of RAM memory. As you know, every task on your system is performed or processed with RAM by the CPU. Please increase your RAM Memory to fix this problem. I hope it helps you

Another thing is this that a file named “Rundll32.dll” is used as icon cache. This means that all the icons are stored in this file, so when this file has problems you will see this error, so keep your computer up to date.


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