An in depth study into the writing of immutable objects

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

What is it to write an immutable object under Java programming? What are some of the detailed instructions to follow in order to have a successful immutable object writing in Java programming? What are the likelihood challenges to consider when writing an Immutable object in Java programs? Of what advantage are immutable objects to programmers when writing programmes? Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #148842

An in depth study into the writing of immutable objects


Hello Avery!

This is a good question. Immutable objects in Java programming pre-existed even in the oldest programming languages like ADA+. It is an object in programming which we cannot modify once it is created. It is considered “diamond” objects in programming since we can only alter the phase and or modify its appearance but still it is immutable.

The importance of immutable object is that you declared a constant object that will set as the basis of computation. Immutable objects as can be so useful in repetitive actions and/or recursion. It is not so complicated to understand this and easy to declare in programs. Look at the sample below.

Immutable objects declaration in Java:

Line 1: string str1= “YOUR NAME”;


Line 2: str1.toLowerCase();


–          > to print the value of str1


From line 1 we declared the value of the string str1 is equivalent to “YOUR  NAME” all capitalized letters. In line 2 we declared str1 to be translated to lower case by calling “.toLowerCase()”. This simplify that we can change the appearance of the value but not the value itself.

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