Data Source — SQLite3 — Error

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I get an error message while attempting to connect to SQLITE 3 db from the Data sources window. I have checked the DB files by Firefox SQLite manager. I found no error in the db file. Can anyone help me on this issue?

Here is a screen shot:

Data Source Properties Connection Error


3 of 3 tables were loaded. The following errors were encountered:

Table: SCHEMA_MIGRATIONS java.sql.SQLException: not yet implemented at org.sqlite.MetaData.getImportedKeys(

Table: SQLITE_SEQUENCE java.sql.SQLException: not yet implemented at org.sqlite.MetaData.getImportedKeys(

Table: USERS java.sql.SQLException: not yet implemented at org.sqlite.MetaData.getImportedKeys(

Answered By 0 points N/A #153772

Data Source — SQLite3 — Error


The images and information that you have given makes it very clear that your system does not support 64 bit version of that software. This has a high probability to be the main cause for this error. To fix this error, follow the procedure:

  1. Remove the 64 bit version.
  2. Make sure that every DLL is 32 bit.
  3. Test it using Microsoft Testing Framework (MTF) and the Spring. Testing. Microsoft, starting the test from Abstract Dependency Injection Spring Context Tests.

This will then work without any error as it injects the facades and everything will work perfectly.


<assemblyIdentity name="System.Data.SQLite"



<bindingRedirect oldVersion="1.0.72" newVersion=""/>


Hope your problem gets solved. Best of Luck!

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