Corel draw failed to install IS Kernel Files

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I upgraded my PC to Microsoft Vista operating system. After completing the upgrade, I proceeded to set up Corel Draw. The Corel Draw setup failed to complete and I got the following error message: failed to install IS Kernel Files, make sure you have appropriate privileges on this machine. Should I uninstall Corel Draw then install it again?

What is the best way to proceed?

Answered By 0 points N/A #110546

Corel draw failed to install IS Kernel Files


The first possible reason as to why you are getting that error message is because the account that you are logged on with does not have the administrative credentials. If you are logged on with a guest account then you will need to switch to an administrator account to be able to install the application. On your computer just click on start and then locate shutdown >> Expand it >> Choose restart >> After that computer has restarted be sure to log in as the administrator.

Alternatively, right click on the application and then choose run as administrator. You may be asked for the password, so you will need to enter the password for the administrator account.

-Richard Gabriel


Answered By 590495 points N/A #309074

Corel draw failed to install IS Kernel Files


Since the error message mentioned “privileges,” before installing CorelDraw on your computer make sure you are using an administrator account. Also, make sure your computer meets the requirements. Since you did not mention what version of CorelDraw you are installing, visit the page where you downloaded the program and check its system requirements.

If the program is perfectly compatible with your computer and you are using an administrator account but the error still appears, try using the “Run as” option when installing the program. Open Windows Explorer then navigate to the location of the installer. Right-click on the installer or setup file and select “Run as administrator.” See if this works. Also, try updating your operating system to the latest Service Pack.

Since you are using Windows Vista, download Windows Vista Service Pack 2 and update your operating system. This is the latest and last Service Pack update for Microsoft Windows Vista. See if this works.

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