Computer Secondary Memory Is Halted

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Many Computer contains a lot of data of hard disk. Its strongly recommended that every computer works as his processor speed. But in this step Over loaded hard disk is not matter for working computer. But I have a problem that have been suffering many times that hard disk drive is not working suddenly. After a lot of trying the result is zero, my all drive becomes un partitioned and also unallocated. Again I have created partitioned and again appearing this problem. How it was happened and how I will solve it?


strongly recommended that every computer works processor speed
Best Answer by Mr. Zuberi
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #126864

Computer Secondary Memory Is Halted


Hi Dear,

As per your post, you already tried to re-format your HDD many times and result is zero.

So, there is another way to solve your problem.

Please download Low Level Format Tool from below link and apply this with your HDD.

HDD Low Level Format Tool 4.30

After apply this, if your HDD will not work properly then sorry to say, it is permanently unusable.

At this moment I don't want to say this.

Must be you will install this tool to another computer and take you HDD and attach this HDD as a secondary master to that computer where you install the Tool.

Best Wishes.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #126865

Computer Secondary Memory Is Halted


If your hard drive is in a perfect condition then all the partitions inside are in a Healthy state. If you try accessing your drives in DOS mode and you were not able to find a single drive, it might be because all of the drives are using NTFS file system. Just like in your drive’s case they are all using NTFS.

I think it is impossible to happen that your hard disk suddenly went un partitioned. It’s normal for hard drives to crash especially during sudden blackouts. But to become un partitioned instantly, I guess not. Maybe you just got it wrong. Just remember NTFS file system is not accessible in DOS. It is not broken and is still partitioned but only not accessible in that environment.

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