Computer Desktop with No Signal

The “No Signal” message you see on your desktop only means that the monitor is working but the computer is not. Chances are, there must be something wrong with the CPU or the processor. And do you hear any beeps or noises from your computer?
If you are confident enough with opening the case, try to check the following:
Check if the fans run
Remove the graphics card and re-seat it carefuly, make sure its fitted securely into the slot. You also might want to clean the gold contacts on the card with a lint-free tissue and alcohol.
Clear the CMOS
If you already tried resetting everything but still getting no signal, You can try again by removing all connections from the motherboard then take out the RAM and the other cards one by one.Next,Take out your CPU (Be careful with the CPU as it can easily be damaged). Remove the battery, and just let the motherboard idle for 30 minutes to an hour. Then put everything back on securely, including the battery. If it still won’t work, then you should get a new CPU or motherboard.
There are different factors to consider when you see the “No Signal” message appears on your screen. If the monitor is connected directly to an outlet and not to the CPU, you will also see this message when you turn on the monitor without turning on the CPU. The “No Signal” message means there is no signal coming in from the monitor cable. Turning on the CPU will remove this message from the screen and displaying what should be displayed.
But if you still see this even after turning on the CPU, it’s either the monitor cable at the back of the CPU has become loose or there is something wrong with your graphics adapter. The first thing to do, in this case, is to check the monitor cable at the back of the CPU. Check if the cable is attached properly and secure in the video port. If the cable is secured but still the monitor is displaying that message, it must be your video card. Shutdown your CPU then open the case. Remove the monitor cable at the back of the CPU first. Now disconnect the video card from the slot. Get a pencil eraser or any ordinary eraser available.
Rub the pencil eraser on the bottom part of the video card, the part that is inserted into the slot. Do it on both sides and then reattach it on the slot. After that connect the monitor cable then turn on the CPU and see if this fixes the problem. If it still doesn’t work, try transferring the video card on the other slot and then try it again. Use all available slots if possible. If all slots have been tested and still nothing happened, then you need to replace your graphics adapter with a new one.
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