COM Errors after installing RR and DFX

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Is there a way that I can be able to add an album to an existing playlist rather than going to the album itself and add songs one by one?

I got errors after doing a fresh installation of RideRunner and DFX.

Main EXE

We intercepted a COM Error!

Err description is: bind or column index out of range


Err. Number is: 80020009

Err.lastdllerror is: 0

Err.scriptline is: -1

Err.source is: LiteX/LiteStatement.1

Err/helpfile is:

Err.helpcontext is: 0


I got this error when I open RR with RRMedia.exe. I tried to rename it into something else, and I got no errors.

RMBuilder – Main

Database is locked



I got this error when trying to run DB scan through DFX when I created a new icon on the main screen.

RMBuilder – Main

Database disk image is malformed



I got his error when I go to this path: Music>Browser.

And then I clicked on the Build DB when I was asked to create one. It leads me to scanning and importing and then ends with the above error message.

What should I do next?

Please help.

Answered By 55 points N/A #117474

COM Errors after installing RR and DFX


The database that you are trying to use has either a restricted access to it or you are not the admin of the computer.

First get the rights of the computer and then try to download and install the software.

Link in to any other database except for this one that is giving the error.

If it still keeps giving the error then disable all the COM ports, restart your computer and enable them again.

Use different number of ports for each type of execution you made so that you can avoid any redundancy during the whole process.

Try to see if the database has predefined set of states that are required to be implemented before you use it.

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