Cannot run database on server; works fine on local disk

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


My database works very well on my hard disk. But whenever I try to run it on the server, I get the following error:

'ActiveX Component Can't Create Object'

Here's the code that activates the error:

Set appWord = GetObject("Word.Application")

Need some suggestions for this error. I am not able to make any updates there.

Thanks a lot.

Best Answer by cathy emrald
Answered By 25 points N/A #96318

Cannot run database on server; works fine on local disk


Dear Kellen,

You didn't give enough information about your case, I think we need to know more about what database or server you are using. Anyway, the cause of this problem, according to Microsoft support page, may be one of the following: the Data Access Objects (DAO) are not registered properly, one or more of the references are missing, invalid utility database reference, damaged wizard file or you don't have the required permissions for the required libraries. In the Microsoft support page of this error "ActiveX component can't create object", you can find a resolution to each case mentioned above. Here is the link:

Hope this may help you.

Best of luck.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #96319

Cannot run database on server; works fine on local disk


The error "ActiveX Component Can't Create Object" often appears when there are one or more references that are missing, or if the Data Access Objects is not registered, if there is a reference database that could not be validated or if you don't have permissions for the libraries.

You did not state more about the error you are receiving. But anyway to fix this, I think you need to use the GetObject that is fundamental to get an open instance of the application. Just use the command for CreateObject. Here is the syntax:

Set appWord = CreateObject ("Word.Application")

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