Cannot assign disk image permissions

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -


I have files on the disk image and trying  be owned by root when I attempt to do this act I get the following error message “Can’t assign disk image permissions”. You can see the full error image below. It may guide you to assist me better. Any idea would be grateful. Thanks.

Can’t assign disk image permissions!

Make sure that “AFP UNIX Permissions” are active on the Time Machine backup volume to prevent access by everyone.

Answered By 0 points N/A #193937

Cannot assign disk image permissions


Resolution 1:

On the unmounted image, try running the following commands:

sudo chown -R root:admin /Users/Shared/test.sparsebundle

and then

sudo chmod -R =rw,+X,g=u,o=u /Users/Shared/test.sparsebundle

Resolution 2:

Try mounting the sparse bundle, and then run the following commands on the root directory of the mounted image:

sudo chown root:admin /Volumes/test_sparse



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