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0 points
Posted on - 09/22/2011
I'm in school and writing up a grant proposal. As there has been some theft of works around here, I was wondering if there was a way to watermark my document?
I know photographers can do it but I haven't been able to figure out how in Word. It's Office 2010 if that helps at all. I'd like the mark to be as discreet as possible since this will be shown on a projector.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Answered By
0 points
Can I protect my Word document from being printed?
There are two ways to keep your work secure and no one will be able you edit your work. What you have to do when you complete your work.
Add a watermark to your document by searching a watermark option in Office. In case of Office 2003, go to insert option and select watermark and add it to your document.
Now you have added water mark but it is editable. Add a password to your document that no one can ever edit your work. To add password to your document type in search of Office how to add password to document. It will display full procedure follow the steps and keep your work secure.
Answered By
0 points
Can I protect my Word document from being printed?
How to add a text watermark to document:
On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Background group, click Watermark.

Click Custom Watermark, click Text watermark and then select or type the text that you want. You can also format the text.
To view a watermark as it will appear on the printed page, use Print Layout view.
Also you can protect the document.
Information Rights Management (IRM) allows individuals and administrators to specify access permissions to documents, workbooks, and presentations. This helps prevent sensitive information from being printed, forwarded, or copied by unauthorized people.
After permission for a file has been restricted by using IRM, the access and usage restrictions are enforced no matter where the information is, because the permission to a file is stored in the document file itself.
Install the Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) Client:
In Microsoft Windows, click the Start button, and then click Control Panel.
Click Add or Remove Programs, and then click Add or Remove Programs. In the left pane, click Add New Programs. From the list of programs, click Windows Rights Management Services Client, and then click Add.
Note: In Classic view, double-click Add or Remove Programs, and then in the left pane, click Add New Programs. From the list of programs, click Windows Rights Management Services Client, and then click Add.