C++ versus LabView object oriented programming

What are the difference between C ++ and LabViews object-oriented programming(OOP). Which program has better flexibility and maintainability in programming?

What are the difference between C ++ and LabViews object-oriented programming(OOP). Which program has better flexibility and maintainability in programming?
 There are a number of difference exist between these two languages. First of all Labview has a basic root class for each object and C++ does not have a root class.
There are constructors in C++ while in Labview no constructors are there, similar is the case with destructors which are used in C++ while Labview does not them. C++ is a functional language based on text while Labview is a dataflow language based on graphics. There are templates in C++ but they do not exist in Labview. In C++ a value can be passed either by value or by reference but in case of Labview value is only passed by reference through some special features present in the Labview.