Building a forefront Thread Management Gateway security firewall

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am building a forefront Thread Management Gateway security firewall (TMG). My internet has a Network internet controller (NIC) connected to a LAN then to a modem and a switch.  I am trying to do PoPE cabling which is working pretty good but the problem is that it is not supporting the (TMG). I have tried to create another dial up connection but it’s still not working and the internet traffic  indicates that the TTL has expired, seems like it cannot ping.  I even tried to disable the bridge mode in the router but still there is no internet access. Does anyone have a suggestion  on how to make this work?

Answered By 590495 points N/A #100023

Building a forefront Thread Management Gateway security firewall


My way of understanding on how the physical connection is configured. You have the modem connects to the switch and computer. This type of connection, is use for networking and you need multiple Mac Address from your ISP in order to work this type of connection.

Unlike router, you can set the router settings to PPPOE, DHCP or Dynamic depending on what type of Internet protocol your ISP uses.

Router provides IP Address to each and every computer connected to the network. It's the router itself will assign an IP Address to communicate to router and get access to the Internet.

You need to log-in to the router settings

Open browser,
Log-in with the username/password
Configure either PPPOE, DHCP or Static
Save the changes and power cycle the router
Internet should work

However, if you are installing a switch to the modem, you need multiple Mac address subscription from your ISP. Switch devices uses MAC address straight form your ISP. If you have 5 IP Address subscription then you can use up to 5 computers connected to the network, not unless you have modem-router-switch type of networking.

Call your ISP and subscribe more IP address to make the type of connection you have working.

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