The BlackBerry Bold: Extensively Reviewed

Why choose Blackberry as your phone and what's the best feature it has that stunningly overpowered IPhone devices and other smartphones?

Why choose Blackberry as your phone and what's the best feature it has that stunningly overpowered IPhone devices and other smartphones?
Here you are why you choose Blackberry as your phone.
At first, Blackberry is available in 5 forms : small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar but iPhone is only available in no keyboard form that's why using Blackberry you can type fast and with making less and less mistakes. secondly, the Blackberry is available in all over the world and it's not so expensive like the iPhone.
Also he has an expandable memory but iPhone is fixed and sold at 8, 16 or 32 gig only, and if we compare the batteries, the iPhone one is fixed but the Blackberry's battery is removable. At the end,The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480×360, iPhone is 480×320.