BAD CREDENTIAL error when using Spring Security

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello, I need some help with the error in my Spring Security.

It shows a “BAD CREDENTIAL” error message.

Does this mean failure in the authentication process?

How do I override this error?

I tried overriding, but I cannot successfully make it.

I still get the message saying INVALID USERNAME OR PASSWORD in the Spring Display.


Answered By 0 points N/A #114028

BAD CREDENTIAL error when using Spring Security


For anyone World Health Organization was troubled as a result of Spring Security needs you to use a Filter to intercept the login post back, therefore either preventing you from having the ability to try to JSF vogue validation, or visa-versa, making a situation wherever JSF will method results, however blocks Acegi from the process the request parameters. Simply use Associate in Nursing Http Request Dispatcher to permit each JSf and Spring Security to perform one when another.

JSF goes initial, then delegates work to a Spring Security  (thus protective any request parameter that Spring Security is craving for.) when forwarding, tell JSF you've got finished, and to not do any further work, like a short stop process. If the login credentials were unhealthy, airt to the Login page. If the credentials were sensible, airt to the requested address. You'll even show a dynamic message for unhealthy credentials. Add the subsequent Phase Listener to your faces-config.xml to extract any login errors, and show a message to the user

Attached code

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