I just got this AutoCAD media. Upon installing it an error message occurred saying that the “version of dll is not supported: Please contact drcauto for the latest update.” Does anyone here ever experienced this kind of error? Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This version of dll is not supported:
Please contact dracauto for the latest update.
AutoCAD dll version is not supported
Dll files link libraries. The error simply means that your libraries are not up to date and need updates. As you have already installed the program, please go to the “help” menu and click on updates. You should have ready internet connection so that the software links to AutoCAD’s website and downloads relevant updates.
AutoCAD dll version is not supported
It seems that your link library is not updated with the version of AutoCAD you are using.
The particular .dll file is proddata.dll. The version of this file must be 18.0.309.0.0
First you have to check the version of this file.
If you are using Windows XP — locate the file on the AutoCAD folder (i.e C:Program FilesAutoCAD LT 2010), then right click on proddata.dll, click on the version tab when the dialog box appears.
If you are using Windows Vista/Windows 7 — locate the file on the AutoCAD folder, right click on the proddata.dll then click details on the dialog box.
You have to install the Update 2 for the .dll version that you have.
Click here to download the right update.