What is the appropriate scripting language to use and web site chat room trick do I require to increase the content of my chat room to include contents such as pictures, links and video clips?
Appropriate language and web site chat room trick to increase chat content
There are a number of scripting language which you can use to come up with a website which has a chat system. Basically, to come up with a perfect and customizable chat system website, you will have to use more than one scripting language. the most commonly used programming technique is AJAX which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. This technique incorporates various scripting languages with each having its own functionality. The overall functionality is that, when chatting, you will not have to refresh the chat page each time a message is sent. You can try out this technique for your chat system and i guess it will be the best to use.
in writing up the script for uploading pictures and videos, you can use PHP for the uploads and JavaScript for validation.
Thank you.