Any ideas on RS232 Open Office Linux

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello guys,

My brother mentioned to me RS232 Open Office Linux and asked me to search for it. As I was starting my search, there wasn't an exact definition of it so yeah, I have no idea what this is.

Do any of you know what this is?


Answered By 0 points N/A #166008

Any ideas on RS232 Open Office Linux



RS323 is RS323 Data Logger Open Office Application is open source Ms Office software for Linux. It is used to allow all the communication Data to Text file from RS323 Data logger. The Data available in the Serial Port will be redirected by the RS323 Data Logger.

RS323 Data Logger is the Real time Application which will also run under Virtual Machine.

RS323 Data Logger also has the best Feature to count the received bytes and stored bytes.

RS323 Data logger is a free open source software it provided with source code in MFC and C++ and also in VC7.1.

To Download the Software Please click the below link:


Noel Sammy.

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