Acronis boot client will not backup

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello techyv

I am using Acronis Backup Recovery 11 build 17437. I have 13 clients installed. I have grouped these clients.

One group of three clients have had a problem and failed to back up with these error messages:

Cannot resolve inclusion rule '[BOOT]'.

Cannot resolve inclusion rule '[SYSTEM].

Can anybody help?

Answered By 0 points N/A #154084

Acronis boot client will not backup


Hi Rabbeca!

You can launch the installer on the affected machine and proceed with Repair option then reboot the machine and gather SnapAPI logs.

Follow these instruction: For logging in,

  1. Open Windows Registry Editor Start-Run > regedit;
  2. Use the follow subkey to browser
  • windows 32 bit:


  • Windows 64 bit:


         3.  Create a subkey SnapAPI

         4. Create a new DWORD parameter with name SnapApiTracing

        5. Now you double click on SnapApiTracing parameter and set the value to 1:

        6. Reproduce the issue and collect SnapAPI logs from folder:

2000/xp/2003: Documents and Settings/ all Users/Application Data/Acronis/SnapAPILogs/vista/win7/2008: Users/all Users/All Users/Acronis/SnapAPILogs/

Now delete the sub key for turn off.

Set the value of the SnapApiTracing parameter to 0.

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