Account Deletion in how?

I want to delete my account in Anyone can show me how is it done? Please I needed it now.

I want to delete my account in Anyone can show me how is it done? Please I needed it now.
I haven't really pay attention to this before, deleting an account in because I found this website very helpful. After I saw your posting, I immediately research how would I deactivate my account if by any chance I don't like it anymore.
I come up with these steps;
* In the Upper left, look for My Account.
* Point the mouse pointer on it, then drop down will shown.
* Click on Edit My Account.
* This gives you different tabs under this menu.
* Look for Notifications then Subscriptions.
* Look for Update Options and a drop down menu will be shown.
* Choose deactivate and click on Update.
I haven't really tried this but I think this will be the steps to follow. Tried it if you wish to let go of this website. Chances are, you'll never receive any updates and troubleshooting FAQ's that might help you in the future.Â
I am just wondering why you want to delete your account in This is very helpful websites that gives us numbers of solutions to a numbers of problem.
It has different category to choose, gadgets, mobile phone, software programming, hardware issue and even non-sense posting is right here.
I strongly recommend not to delete your account. If you insist, you may do so. No one is stopping you from doing it. You might miss the chance of advancing your knowledge in many different type of ideas and solutions.
You won't get charge by this, so why delete your account?
Thanks, more power.