64 Bit Flash Player Activex Control does not appear in Program list

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I installed 64 bit flash player activex control in my PC running with Windows 7, but the program does not appear in the Program list in Windows but it is there when I looked the Control Panel on programs to uninstall, it's there. Why So?

Best Answer by Shifflett Laurel
Answered By 0 points N/A #167767

64 Bit Flash Player Activex Control does not appear in Program list


It doesn’t appear on your program list since you can’t launch or run the said program. It’s not like your typical program which you need to launch in order for them to work. It’s like a plug-in for your computer to improve its visual performance just like Adobe Flash Player.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #167768

64 Bit Flash Player Activex Control does not appear in Program list


Hello Kee Forman,

I have confirmed about your problem.

Flash Player ActiveX control is installed automatically with Flash Player and it is seen in the Programs list. So you have the problem with the installation of Adobe Flash Player. There are many issues regarding this problem.

  • Your Operating System or processor may not support 64-bit application.
  • An older version of Flash player might be pre-installed.
  • Installation might be interrupted before completion.
  • ActiveX control might not be registered. 
  • The existing Flash player might be in use.
  • The ActiveX Control might be unable to load the main bundle. etc

Here some effective suggestions are given below:

  • Enable JavaScript for Flash Player download.
  • Got to authorized site to download Flash Player get.adobe.com/flashplayer.

After download and install the Flash Player if it does not work properly than.

  • Check you have 64 bit browser application.
  • Verify that you have logged in as administrator or run the program as administrator .

So that the Flash Player can access Windows system Registry files within the folder: C:windowssystem32Macromed Flash folder for a 64-bit machine.

If everything is ok but Flash Player doesn't work than you have to re-install windows and browser application. Then again install the Adobe Flash Player.


Shifflet Lauren

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