What is Skype translator? What are the developers doing?

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

Skype is very popular for video chat these days. It is said that Skype is under development today also. What are the features of Skype translator? How does it work? Has Microsoft joined Google for this project because Google has many translation modules? Will any other company make a similar software like Skype in terms of popularity?

Answered By 590495 points N/A #191535

What is Skype translator? What are the developers doing?


Skype Translator is the latest experience from Skype that allows a user to speak to another language without even learning it. To use the translator, just start a video call or voice call to someone who speaks a different language. When you start talking, the translator will begin translating your conversation in near real-time.

Unfortunately, the translator is limited only to English and Spanish languages at the moment. They said they will be adding more languages in the future. When the person you are chatting with speaks, his or her conversation will also be translated back in your language. A transcript of your call will also be displayed on your screen during the call.

The Skype Translator allows you to send IMs or instant messages to more than 40 languages. Visit Skype Translator to register and be a preview user.

Answered By 10 points N/A #191533

What is Skype translator? What are the developers doing?


Skype translator will now translate calls between people.

It allows people to communicate irrespective of the language they speak. It also allows the English and Spanish speakers to communicate in their native language, other languages are in the process.

How it works

It translates one language to another in real-time during conversation.

Whatever the person on the other end says, no matter in which language it is, it is translated to your understandable language.

Displays on-screen transcript.

Instant messaging option in 40+ languages.

Yes, in future Google would make a similar app like this. Though it has a translator, but in near future it is going to make changes to it.

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