What is Netflix’s ‘Just for kids’?

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

Netflix is going to give some entertaining materials to kids called Just for kids'. What is going to be included in it? Why will the adult not be able to use it? If the adult can, why is it named like this?

Answered By 5 points N/A #132429

What is Netflix’s ‘Just for kids’?


Just for Kids is the added feature from Netflix that will go with your Xbox 360. It is available now on your Microsoft console. You will need a Netflix and Xbox Live account to start streaming.

Just for Kids cater the young crowd and make it easier for kids to bypass the channel surfing. And it offers the kids the easier way to watch their favorite shows. It is a character centric so that younger kids can navigate and watch their favorite characters such as Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob Square pants.

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