PC always restart error BOOT: COULDN’T FIND NTLDR

Asked By 230 points N/A Posted on -


That's one of the most annoying word, I find in my computer whenever I turn it on. When I start my PC, it always keep on restarting. It all started when I boot my computer, from the hard drive because the files have been corrupted. I've been trying to fix this problem because I have a project to do and shall be pass as soon as possible but how can I start my work, if this phrase always pops up on the screen and keeps on restarting?
Can't even continue loading even displaying the XP logo. By the way, I'm using Windows XP for the OS of my computer. What would be the possible solution for this kind of problem? I am desperately want to finish my work before the boss tell me to pack my things from the office. Help! Please? Thanks.
Best Answer by Paul Steven
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Answered By 0 points N/A #102203

PC always restart error BOOT: COULDN’T FIND NTLDR


Hi James,

Your problem caught my attention and I recall my past experience. I have encountered the same problem as you have and I found the solution to the problem. I hope you will consider this solution as the content of your problem.

With regards to your concern about PC restarting, the main problem of your system is NTLDR Error.

There are a umber of possible causes for NTLDR error and most common error message is "NTLDR is missing". Actually, the reason for this error is when your computer is trying to boot from a hard drive and is not properly configured to boot up. One reason also is, your file has been corrupted or a misconfigured file, upgrading the OS and IDE cable damaged.

In your problem, the error message "BOOT: COULDN'T FIND NTLDR PLEASE INSERT ANOTHER DISK", means that the boot device is not properly configured.


Here are the following methods that could help your problem to be fixed;

  • Restart your PC.
  • Insert Windows XP CD after you properly boot the device and make sure that your CD ROM drive is capable of the booting CD.
  • Once you booted from the CD, Press "R" key to enter the Recovery Console.
  • After selecting the proper option, you will prompted to select a valid Windows installation (number 1 is the default number). Select the installation number and press enter. If there's an administrator password, type it and press enter.
  • When you reach the command prompt, type the following commands (press enter after each command); copy D:i386ntldr C:copy D: i386ntdetect.com C:
  • Press Y if prompted to overwrite either of the two files.
  • Take out the Windows XP CD, type "exit" and press enter and your computer will auto restart.

Your computer starts normally when that missing or corrupt versions of NTLDR or NTDETECT.com files were issued. When you do these tasks, you have to have a presence of mind and concentration to get rid off from repeating consequences. I hope this will help you finish your work and your system will work properly.


Answered By 0 points N/A #102204

PC always restart error BOOT: COULDN’T FIND NTLDR


Hi James,

I have also encountered the same problem on my pc at work. Paul’s solution was one of the best known to fix “NTLDR is missing “problem. Here is some information that might be beneficial to you to consider when having this problem again.

1. If it is happening a lot try changing the boot order in bios so the hard drive with Windows installed is listed first. Check the hard drive and other drive settings in BIOS to ensure they are correct. 

2. Replace or restore the boot.ini file to prevent the NTLDR error.

3. Write a new partition boot sector to the Windows XP systems partition in case it is already corrupt or improperly configured.

4. You can also repair the windows XP master boot record, If not try perform a repair installation of Windows XP or re-installed the Windows XP program but don’t forget to back up your data.

5. You can replace the hard drive and perform new installation of windows XP but if this also failed it means you are having hardware issue with your hard drive.


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